Visitors and collaborators

IMG 0082  Prof. Zhong Lin Wang IMG 0275  Gagik Gurzadyan MOU Italy  Prof. Ling San and Prof. Guglielmo Lanzani IMG 0388  Fabio Di Fonzo with OSON group
IMG 0789  Dario IMG 0794  Dario IMG 1008  Fabio Di Fonzo IMG 1075  Shadi Dayeh
IMG 2916  Shadi Dayeh IMG 0182  Dario Gerace IMG 1178  Paolo Perinotti P4242179  Prof. Robert Curl (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1996)
P4242180  Prof. Robert Curl (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1996) PRLPRXvisit  PRL, PRX editors visit CDPT construction site IMG 2474  ICMAT 2013 dinner at the Big Eater IMG 2481  Daniele Brida and the durian
IMG 2483  Paulo Miranda and Maxim Pshenichnikov IMG 2492  Sum Tze Chien with Guglielmo Lanzani and Giulio Cerullo DSC04181  Prof. Harald Giessen in CDPT cleanroom DSC04198  Prof. Harald Giessen in CDPT cleanroom
IMG 2637  Francesco Scotognella IMG 2641  OSON group with Francesco Scotognella